Why should use olive leaves? And what is the method of using them?

Why should use olive leaves? And what is the method of using them?


Why should use olive leaves? And what is the method of using them?

Olives are known for their delicious, nutritious oil and delicious fruits. However, the uses and benefits of the olive tree do not stop at its fruits alone. Rather, there is an amazing group of olive leaf benefits that have been proven by many studies and research.

The benefits of olive leaf are many and varied, and it is possible to obtain them by taking nutritional supplements containing olive leaf extract or by drinking boiled leaves. These benefits are:

1- Reducing blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels:

Olive leaf extract helps lower blood pressure if used regularly, and it also contains substances that protect the walls of blood vessels from any damage.

Research has proven the ability of olive leaf extract to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body, thus preventing the accumulation of fats inside the blood vessels.

Olive leaf extract generally helps reduce the chances of developing many diseases of the circulatory system, such as: strokes and coronary artery disease.

2- Regulating blood sugar levels:

A study has proven that one of the benefits of olive leaf is that it helps the body use insulin better, which leads to regulating blood sugar levels.

So, olive leaf extract can be used to control blood sugar in diabetics or even to prevent diabetes.

3. Cancer prevention:

Olive leaf extract has many antioxidant properties, which much research has linked to the prevention of various cancers.

The antioxidants found in olive leaves also have the ability to slow the growth of cancerous tumors.

4. Improve brain functions:

One of the important benefits of olive leaf is the ability to fight various neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s, and to delay and slow the deterioration of these conditions.

Sometimes olive leaf extract supplements may be prescribed to recover after a stroke, or from any other damage to the brain, or to reduce the chances of disease occurring.

5. Improve digestion:

It has been found that olive leaf extract has the ability to improve digestion in general, and relieve symptoms of bloating, gas, and constipation.

The reason for this is because olive leaf extract helps restore balance to intestinal bacteria, which has a positive and noticeable effect on digestion. 

6- Pain relief:

One of the benefits of olive leaf is that it has properties that help relieve pain by inhibiting the nerve messages that make the patient feel pain, especially when suffering from painful external wounds.

Olive leaf extract is sometimes used to relieve joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and the pain felt by those suffering from myositis.

7. Helps lose weight:

Olive leaf extract has distinctive fat-burning properties, by inhibiting genes that allow fat to be stored in the body, which reduces the formation and increase of fat. 

8- Protects against heart disease: 

This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  

9- Brain protection: 

reduces the incidence of strokes with long-term use.  

10- Skin treatment:

It contributes to the treatment of acne and inflammatory skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema. It also delays the appearance of wrinkles due to the anti-inflammatory agents contained in it. It can be used as a moisturizer for the skin.

11. Promoting immune system health:

 Due to the antioxidant properties possessed by olive leaves, consuming olive leaf extract regularly helps reduce harmful oxidation processes in the body, which reduces the pressure imposed on the immune system to defend and protect the body.

Dosages and method of use: It can be used in the form of extracts, i.e. nutritional supplements, 1000 milligrams daily, divided into two doses per day.  Each dose is 500 milligrams. You can also take boiled olive leaves, but their effect will be longer and slower than the extracts.


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