What are the best foods that increase student concentration during exams?
Exams usually come with a lot of pressure and tension for students, as they are forced to sleep for fewer hours, and spend most of their time studying and reviewing. Because they are busy with studies, they usually do not pay attention to their health during that period, and they resort to eating unhealthy foods.
On the other hand, experts say that paying attention to the quality of food during the exam period in particular is necessary, as unhealthy eating habits and irregular sleeping patterns can lead to fatigue, stress, and poor concentration levels.
The exam period:
The exam period “poses a great challenge for parents as a result of students being exposed to pressures related to performance in exams, as they focus largely on cognitive achievement. Therefore, parents work to provide a positive atmosphere for children to improve their studies and raise levels of understanding and memorization of academic subjects.
This requires two important aspects: the first is the aspect related to reducing the intensity of tension and anxiety among students by providing a positive atmosphere for study. The second is setting appropriate expectations commensurate with the children’s academic ability, and this is based on the principle (God does not burden a soul with more than it can bear); meaning that it is not required of Students have a level of performance and cognitive achievement greater than their abilities.
Suitable foods for exam period
As for improving memory by eating certain foods, specialists recommend “eggs, as they contain essential acids and protein necessary for the body to improve energy production, and also fish and nuts, because they have a major role in improving the storage of information in long-term memory.
Specialists warn of the need to stay away from soft drinks, especially energy drinks. Because of its negative effects on memory and body activity, as well as avoiding eating fast-prepared food such as “noodles” and others, because they are useless.
The effect of fast food on the brain
Fast food contains small amounts of essential fatty acids needed for brain development such as omega-3 that cannot be produced within the body.
Many studies have shown that high consumption of fatty foods and sugars, during growth, may actually lead to impaired cognitive functions in adulthood.
Very high levels of saturated fats (found in fast or fried foods) cause chemical reactions that damage the young cells of the brain, increase levels of inflammation in the hippocampus, which leads to weak memory, and reduces neuroplasticity responsible for retrieving information or learning things. "Not only that, but it also reduces the production of nerve cell numbers, the decline of which has been linked to mental health disorders, such as depression."
Healthy food improves learning
Healthy food helps students' mental and cognitive development, and thus quality educational performance.
The effect of fast food on students’ brains can be reduced by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, because they contain antioxidants that fight inflammation and the fiber in them helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which maintains focus and energy during the day.”
Oily fish, avocados and nuts are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote the formation of neurons and prevent their oxidation.
Starting the student with a healthy, balanced breakfast at the beginning of the day provides him with important nutrients for his growth and development, which reflects positively on his academic achievement.
The meal is supposed to contain milk, eggs, unflavored yogurt, or natural, unprocessed cheese, with a choice of whole wheat bread.
The best foods for the brain:
Although there are no “super” foods available that will immediately enhance your mental abilities to study, some healthy snacks improve students’ memory and increase their concentration, according to a report published by the “Alan Overseas” educational website, including:
Almonds: One of the best foods for students, as chewing a handful of almonds while studying provides the student with essential protein and healthy fats that satisfy hunger and enhance concentration.
Walnuts: Walnuts are one of the best brain foods for students, as they enhance memory, raise concentration levels, and also enhance mood and logical thinking skills.
Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits top the list, including apples, peaches, bananas, and citrus fruits. They are rich in flavonoids, which enhance memory and mental health, in addition to other health benefits.
Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds contain zinc, proteins, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals that enhance metabolism, immunity, brain function and keep the nervous system of students healthy. De
Juices: It is recommended to mix some green leafy vegetables with fresh fruits, to get an extra dose of energy for an effective study session.