What are the harmful effects of smoking on health?

What are the harmful effects of smoking on health?

What are the harmful effects of smoking on health?:What smokers should know about smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult things, but when you know the risks of continuing to smoke, you will rethink the matter

The effects of smoking may be dangerous on all of your body’s systems, but there is still time to help yourself before experiencing these effects by quitting smoking. The most dangerous of these effects are:

1. The effects of smoking on the central nervous system:

One of the most important ingredients in tobacco is a drug called nicotine, which is a stimulant that primarily affects the functioning of the central nervous system.

Nicotine is directly responsible for a smoker's addiction to smoking, and enters the body directly through the lungs.

Nicotine is absorbed by oxygen-rich blood that carries it to the heart, then pumped into the blood vessels and up to the brain.

The smoker feels pleasure the moment nicotine enters the nervous system, but if it disappears, the feeling of pleasure is replaced by another uncomfortable one, so these harms appear as follows:

Trouble concentrating.



Increased appetite.


Excessive irritability.



Sleep disturbances.

2. The effects of smoking on the respiratory system:

When you light your cigarette, you inhale harmful substances that enter the lungs directly over time and may harm or affect the lungs. The effects of smoking on your body appear as follows:

Emphysema: Emphysema is a disease characterized by hyperinflation of the air cavities in the lungs.

Chronic bronchitis: Chronic bronchitis is inflammation and inflammation of the vascular system responsible for bringing air into the lungs.

Lung Cancer: Lung cancer is one of the most serious harms to your health.

Due to the harmful effects of smoking on your body, it is necessary to quit smoking, and quitting smoking can cause temporary congestion in the respiratory system, and this indicates the beginning of recovery, as the following recovery symptoms often appear:

Lack of comfort in the respiratory system, as well as in the lungs and airways.

Increased mucus secretion immediately after quitting smoking.

It is worth noting that children of smoking parents are more susceptible to coughing, wheezing, and asthma attacks than others, which may lead to higher rates of pneumonia and bronchitis.

.3  The effects of smoking on the cardiovascular system:

Smoking harms all the entire cardiovascular systems, as nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, which leads to obstruction of blood flow in the long term.

The harmful effects of smoking on your body regarding the heart system are many, as it may contribute to:

Causing damage to the blood vessels, which causes a disease called peripheral arterial disease, which is a complication of atherosclerosis, and is caused by the deposition of layers in the large and medium arteries in the feet.

Raising blood pressure.

Weakening the walls of blood vessels.

Increased chances of blood clots, which in turn increases the risk of stroke.

It is worth noting that smoking not only affects your cardiovascular health, but it also affects the health of those around you, by exposing them to passive smoking, making them vulnerable to various heart diseases.

4. The effects of smoking on the integumentary system:

Smoking may affect your skin, hair, and nails, due to the substances found in tobacco smoke, which may change the structure of your skin.

It was found that the harmful effects of smoking on your body with regard to the limbic system are as follows:

Increased your risk of squamous cell carcinoma or skin cancer.

Increase your risk of fungal infections.

Increased risk of hair loss, baldness and graying.

5. The effects of smoking on the digestive system:

Smoking affects all systems of your body without exception, as it increases the risk of developing each of the following cancers:

mouth cancer.

Throat cancer.

Throat Cancer.

Esophageal cancer.

Pancreas cancer.

This applies to people who are exposed to passive smoking as well, as they are susceptible to developing many different types of any cancer.

One of the harmful effects of smoking on your body is that smoking affects insulin, which makes you vulnerable to insulin resistance, which increases your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes.

6.  The effects of smoking on the reproductive system:

Nicotine affects blood flow to the genital areas for both men and women, and this affects the sexes differently, as follows:

Men: Their sexual performance is affected, and it may reduce the levels of male sex hormones.

Women: It can lead to sexual dissatisfaction through an inability to reach orgasm, and may reduce levels of female sex hormones.


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