Mediterranean Diet: The best diet for the sixth year in a row

Mediterranean Diet: The best diet for the sixth year in a row


Mediterranean Diet: The best diet for the sixth year in a row

The Mediterranean diet was classified as the healthiest diet in 2023 for the sixth time in a row. There are a few diets that promote a healthy eating style and focus on the quality of food rather than quantity, and the Mediterranean diet is one of these diets that is classified as the healthiest method.  To eat by a committee of experts, the diet has been able to dominate the global rankings in recent years due to its ability to achieve a balance of good nutrition and ease of follow-up.  So why does the Mediterranean diet top the list of the best diets for the sixth year in a row?  What distinguishes it from others? What foods are allowed and not allowed in the Mediterranean diet?:

Mediterranean food secrets:

Mediterranean food habits based on cheap and fresh available food products have proven successful and are recommended today for maintaining good health.

A diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, olive oil, and few dairy products makes the Mediterranean diet particularly healthy.

Eating slowly, dividing food into a few small meals throughout the day and adding moderate daily exercise will make your lifestyle healthier.

Typical types of food on a Mediterranean menu:

The Mediterranean diet is based primarily on plant-derived ingredients and is therefore low in fat and animal protein.

In contrast, it is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, complex carbohydrates, fibre, minerals and vitamins.

The Mediterranean diet includes the following components:

Vegetables of all kinds:

Preferably vegetables of different colors, such as lettuce, cucumber, pepper, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots and other vegetables from the wide variety available in markets and supermarkets.

At least 5 servings per day.  If you do not have dietary and/or medical restrictions, we recommend eating vegetables with the skin on after washing them.

Fresh fruits:

2-3 servings per day.  Such as oranges, pears, watermelon, grapes and other fruits from the wide variety available in markets and supermarkets.

Whole grains:

Breads made from whole grain flour, including black bread (wheat, oat, spelled), as well as whole wheat bulgur, potatoes, brown rice (wash well), buckwheat, oat groats, quinoa, etc. 

Protein sources:

Sea and pond fish (salmon, tuna, sul, cod, halibut)

Chicken, turkey and beef (low-fat parts, for example breast).  It is recommended to reduce beef consumption.

Milk, dairy products or milk alternatives (such as soy products and tofu).  We recommend consuming low-fat products that do not contain added sugar.

Legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, kidney beans, lupine, and soy products and tofu are few and do not contain added sugar.

Eggs : Up to one egg per day from all sources, including cooked and baked eggs (if you have health restrictions, consult a dietitian)

Vegetable oils:

It is preferable to consume olive oil,  avocado, nuts - walnuts, almonds, unsalted seeds (sunflower and pumpkin seeds) and tahini from whole sesame.

Benefits of feeding the Mediterranean basin:

Mediterranean cuisine is rich in foods and helps the body:

Protection against toxins

It contributes to strengthening the immune system and heart

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

Reduces bad cholesterol levels in the blood

Helps maintain normal weight

In addition, consuming olive oil and fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids helps protect eye health and vision, and reduces the risk of stroke, especially among the elderly.

List of prohibited things in the Mediterranean diet:

To get the most out of the Mediterranean diet, you should limit the following foods:

Refined vegetable oils: such as corn, sunflower, soybean, and canola oil.

Vegetable ghee and margarine.

Animal fats: such as cow or buffalo butter and local ghee.

Sweetened beverages: canned juices, soft drinks, and energy drinks.  It is also preferable to limit the consumption of natural juices because they are high in sugar, and replace them with eating fruits.

Refined grains: such as rice, pasta, white bread, white flour, pastries, and crackers.

Processed meats such as sausages, salami and mortadella.

Sweets and sugars of all kinds, such as cakes and biscuits

Processed foods: 

such as popcorn, chips, and fast food.

Limit your intake of red meat to a maximum of once a week, preferably only on special occasions.

Is it possible to lose weight by following this system?:

Yes, definitely, but the weight loss will not happen quickly, but over rather long periods.  This is better for you health and physically.  Make your ultimate goal health and increasing the body’s resistance, not just weight loss.

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine, which helps build muscle and burn fat.

To summarize the above, the Mediterranean diet is easy, simple, and not financially expensive, in addition to its flexibility, so you can adapt it to what suits you.  It also has many health benefits on the heart, blood vessels, and blood sugar regulation.


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